Search 搜查;临检;〔英〕产权调查;〔苏〕财产负担调查
Searches 〔英〕土地负担调查
search [sә:tʃ]n. 搜寻, 查究vt. 搜寻, 搜查, 探求, 调查, 搜索vi. 搜寻, 搜查, 探求, 调查, 搜索【计】 搜索, 路径检索程序【经】 搜索, 检索, 研究
searched vt. [计][航][水运] 搜索;搜寻;调查(search的过去式)
searches n. [计][航][水运] 搜索(search的复数);[计] 检索 v. 搜寻;调查(search的第三人称单数)
searching ['sә:tʃiŋ]a. 搜索的, 遍寻的, 彻底的, 敏锐的n. 搜索, 检查

a body search搜身牛津双向
a search party搜索队远东新世纪
a search party搜索组牛津高阶v4
actively search积极搜查牛津搭配
a customs search海关检查牛津双向
a search warrant搜查证远东新世纪
a close search 彻底的搜寻英汉大词典
a customs search海关的检查远东新世纪
a search warrant. 搜查令柯林斯高阶
a search warrant住宅搜索状远东新世纪
a search-warrant.搜查令。牛津同义词
a searching look锐利的眼光远东新世纪
a barren search;白费劲的研究;美国传统
a searching mind 敏锐的头脑英汉大词典
a searching wind 彻骨的寒风英汉大词典
a search warrant搜查证,搜查令外研社现代
a searching glance锐利的一瞥。颜氏美语
a thorough search 彻底的搜查英汉大词典
a useless search.无效的搜寻。牛津同义词
a wild-card search 通配符搜索牛津商务
a perfunctory search马虎的搜寻牛津双向
a re search institute 研究所牛津高阶
a diligent search 孜孜不倦的搜寻英汉大词典
a fruitful search.有成果的搜索。牛津同义词
a nationwide search 全国性的搜查牛津高阶
a search for identity寻找认同感牛津搭配
a statewide search全州范围的搜查外研社现代
a fruitless search.无结果的搜索。牛津同义词
a methodical search 有条不紊的搜索韦氏高阶
a perfunctory search 马虎的搜寻英汉大词典
a searching question 探究性的问题韦氏高阶
a statewide search 全州范围的搜查英汉大词典
a country-wide search全国范围的搜索牛津双向
a rescue/search party 救援/搜寻队韦氏高阶
a search and rescue team 搜救队牛津高阶
a search of the area 对该地区的搜寻朗文当代
a searching question追根究底的问题远东新世纪
a thoroughgoing search彻底的搜寻。颜氏美语
a searching examination彻底的检查外研社现代
a searching scrutiny 细致详尽的审察英汉大词典
a searching gaze/look 探究的凝视/神情韦氏高阶
a search of the drawers对抽屉的翻看外研社新世纪
a searching investigation彻底的调查远东新世纪
a warrant; a search warrant搜查令远东新世纪
abandon one's search (for)放弃搜寻新世纪汉英
a routine luggage search 例行的行李检查韦氏高阶
a search for intruders.搜寻闯进来的人。牛津同义词
a fruitless attempt/search 徒然的尝试╱搜查牛津高阶
a tramp in search of work 找工作做的流浪者英汉大词典
a desperate search for clues 拼命寻找线索朗文当代
a search for objective data 客观数据的收集英汉大词典
a large-scale police search警方的大规模搜查牛津高阶v4
a search/save/sort function 搜索/保存/排序功能剑桥高阶
a searching article/inquiry 探索性的文章/询问麦克米伦高阶
a sinner's search for redemption 罪人寻求救赎韦氏高阶
a quick search on the Internet 在因特网上迅速搜索牛津搭配
a search for a missing aircraft搜寻失踪的飞机牛津高阶v4
A search found 46 websites.搜索后找到 46 个网站。朗文当代
a thorough investigation/search 彻底的调查/搜寻韦氏高阶
a frantic search for her father 疯狂地搜寻她的父亲朗文当代
a searching interview technique面试深入提问技巧牛津高阶v4
a house-to-house collection/search 挨家收集╱搜查牛津高阶
a lawful search of the property 对财产进行的合法搜查韦氏高阶
a keyword search of the database 数据库中的关键词检索韦氏高阶
a search for the things we’d lost.搜寻我们的失物。牛津同义词
a mystical journey in search of God 寻找上帝的潜修之旅韦氏高阶
a long search for the mu rder weapon 长时间搜寻杀人凶器牛津高阶
a thorough search of the undergrowth 对矮树丛的彻底搜查朗文当代
a thorough/exhaustive/quick search 彻底/全面/快速的搜索韦氏高阶
absence-of-ground searching selector 无接地搜索选择器译文社汉英
a frantic dash, rush, search, etc疯狂的撞击、冲击、搜查等牛津高阶v4
a frantic dash/search/struggle 不顾一切的猛冲;疯狂的搜查╱斗争牛津高阶
a cruise in search of a sunken vessel 为寻找沉船而进行的航行英汉大词典
a glorious Odyssey in search of freedom 寻求自由的光荣历程英汉大词典
a systematic search of the whole city.对整个城市进行彻底的搜查。新牛津
a computer program's search capabilities 计算机程序的搜索能力韦氏高阶
a software tool for searching documents 用于搜索文件的软件工具牛津搭配
A Web search brought up 900 hits.网页搜索搜出了 900 个相关结果。牛津搭配
a searching report on the Arab world 一份有关阿拉伯世界的详尽报告英汉大词典
A voice search may also be added later.不久之后,声音搜索也将上线。译言网
a lunatic search for buried treasure 寻找埋藏在地下的金银财宝的蠢举英汉大词典
a quest for perfection, a search for perfection对完美的寻求牛津搭配
abandoned the search for the missing hiker.放弃搜寻走失的远足者美国传统
a careful search; careful art restorers.彻底的搜查;尽责的艺术品修复者美国传统
A plane was detached to search for survivors.派飞机去搜索幸存者。21世纪英汉
access database, search database, use database访问/搜索/使用数据库牛津搭配
a travel writer in search of local colour 寻觅地方生活趣味的一位旅行作家朗文当代
a fruitless search.See Synonyms at futile 毫无结果的研究 参见 futile美国传统
a search for middle ground between the two sides 对双方折中立场的探求牛津搭配
a searching investigation/analysis/examination 认真彻底的调查╱分析╱检查牛津高阶
A gun went off during the search of his home.在搜查他家的时候,有支枪走火了。牛津短语
a journalist in search of a bit of local colour 在搜寻一点儿地方特色的记者牛津搭配
a search for intelligent life on other planets 在其他行星上探索有智力的生命牛津高阶
a searching investigation of their past dealings.对他们的过去进行彻底的调查美国传统
abandon search, call off search放弃/取消搜寻牛津搭配
A Web search threw up a couple of useful pages.网络搜索找到了好几个有用的网页。牛津商务
A number of advanced search features are available.可以找到很多高级搜索功能。牛津搭配
a rigorous search, examination, analysis, etc彻底的搜寻、严密的检查、精确的分析牛津高阶v4
A search. A search for answers.寻找,我要寻找答案影视字幕
A police gun went off accidentally during a search of his home.走火麦克米伦高阶
a police patrol stopped the man and searched him.警察巡逻队拦住那个人并对他进行了搜查。新牛津
a nationwide search for a missing British tourist 在全国范围内对一名失踪英国游客的搜寻朗文当代
A quick search on Twitter confirmed my hunch.在推特(Twitter)上的简单调查证明了我的预感。译言网
a version of the search engine is available in the sandbox沙盒里有搜索引擎的一个版本牛津双向
a computerized search of 10,000 medical journals 用计算机进行的对 10,000 份医学期刊的搜索朗文当代
A little more searching, and here's our cybercriminal.经过进一步调查,这位网络罪犯浮出水面。英文演讲
A search is going on for wreckage from the blazing aircraft.正在搜寻起火燃烧的飞机残骸。牛津搭配
actively searching for something to keep the conversation going 为使谈话继续积极寻找话题牛津搭配
a thorough search disclosed the full enormity of the crime.彻底的调查充分揭露了该罪行的残暴程度。新牛津
A helicopter ferried in more soldiers to help in the search.一架直升机运来更多的士兵协助搜索。柯林斯高阶
A search party was sent out to look for the missing climbers.一支搜救队被派去寻找失踪的登山者。朗文当代
A team of police officers did a fingertip search of the area.一队警员对该地区进行了地毯式搜索。牛津搭配
'Where's the newspaper?' 'Search me, I haven't seen it.' ‘报纸在哪儿呢?’‘不知道,我没看见。’牛津高阶v4
A brief search was made but they found nothing untoward .他们简单地搜查了一番,什么异常情况也没发现。朗文当代
A personal search may also be carried out for the same reason.也可以出于同样的理由进行个人搜查。联合国语料
A search party was sent out to look for the missing climbers.已经派出了一个搜救队寻找失踪的登山者。剑桥高阶
a workshop to exchange experience in maritime search and rescue东亚峰会海上搜救经验交流研讨会中国特色语汇
A search headquarters will be set up at the airport this morning.今天早晨将在机场设立搜查处。外研社新世纪
A poet always searches how to reinvest words with new meaning.诗人总是在探索如何赋予词以新的涵义。21世纪英汉
a place to which genteel families came in search of peace and quiet体面的家庭寻求平静和安宁的地方外研社新世纪